Rooftop Solar

As your trust­ed ener­gy advi­sor, Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive can help you make smart ener­gy invest­ments, includ­ing right-siz­ing a rooftop solar instal­la­tion to best meet your needs, goals, and finan­cial objec­tives. We can help you under­stand your cur­rent elec­tric­i­ty use, the many impor­tant fac­tors to con­sid­er with a rooftop solar instal­la­tion, and what you can expect to gain from your invest­ment.

Please take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to review the resources on this page and call us at (800) 421‑2343 to speak with one of our expe­ri­enced ener­gy advi­sors.

Rooftop Solar Resource Center

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Is Solar Rooftop Right for You?

These ques­tions can help deter­mine if rooftop solar makes sense for your elec­tric­i­ty needs and finan­cial goals.

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Rooftop Solar FAQ

Cost? Ener­gy sav­ings? Your most com­mon­ly asked rooftop solar ques­tions, answered.

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Questions to Ask a Solar Installer

From expect­ed elec­tric­i­ty gen­er­a­tion to financ­ing arrange­ments, be sure to ask a solar installer these ques­tions.

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Options: Cooperative or Rooftop

You have sev­er­al options for solar ener­gy, includ­ing our Coop­er­a­tive Solar pro­gram and/or rooftop solar.

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Be Aware: Get Facts, Not Fiction

Con­sumers are some­times mis­in­formed by solar installers. We want you to be cau­tious and informed.

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Six Steps to Rooftop Solar

Con­sid­er­ing a rooftop solar sys­tem for your home? Com­plete these impor­tant steps pri­or to a rooftop solar instal­la­tion.

Local Residential & Commercial Solar Contractors

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Coastal Solar Ener­gy Solu­tions
229 W. Gen­er­al Screven Way Suite N1
Hinesville, GA 31313
Phone: (844) 765‑2793

Solar contractor? Installing solar panels at your home?

If you’re a solar con­trac­tor or home­own­er seek­ing to install solar pan­els at your home, you’ll need our Inter­con­nect Agree­ment. Down­load and read this doc­u­ment first then if you have ques­tions call (912) 884‑3311 and ask for Jason Smith.