Rooftop Solar Resource Center

Is Solar Rooftop Right for You?
These questions can help determine if rooftop solar makes sense for your electricity needs and financial goals.

Rooftop Solar FAQ
Cost? Energy savings? Your most commonly asked rooftop solar questions, answered.

Questions to Ask a Solar Installer
From expected electricity generation to financing arrangements, be sure to ask a solar installer these questions.

Options: Cooperative or Rooftop
You have several options for solar energy, including our Cooperative Solar program and/or rooftop solar.

Be Aware: Get Facts, Not Fiction
Consumers are sometimes misinformed by solar installers. We want you to be cautious and informed.

Six Steps to Rooftop Solar
Considering a rooftop solar system for your home? Complete these important steps prior to a rooftop solar installation.
Local Residential & Commercial Solar Contractors

Coastal Solar Energy Solutions
229 W. General Screven Way Suite N1
Hinesville, GA 31313
Phone: (844) 765-2793
Solar contractor? Installing solar panels at your home?
If you’re a solar contractor or homeowner seeking to install solar panels at your home, you’ll need our Interconnect Agreement. Download and read this document first then if you have questions call (912) 884-3311 and ask for Jason Smith.