Apply for Service

Apply Online

Have your driver’s license and social secu­ri­ty num­ber avail­able.

A $5.00 Mem­ber­ship Fee (refund­able) and a $28.00 Acti­va­tion Fee (non-refund­able) is required on all accounts.

We offer a tra­di­tion­al account where your deposit, if any, is deter­mined by your per­son­al cred­it his­to­ry. If a deposit is nec­es­sary, it will be no more than $500.00. If we are unable to ver­i­fy infor­ma­tion, you may be asked to come into the office.

After you sub­mit the online form, a cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive will process your appli­ca­tion. Once com­plet­ed, if you have pro­vid­ed a valid email address, a mes­sage will be sent to you with a link to access your new account page. When you cre­ate a pass­word you can use our secure online por­tal to make any pay­ments due. All fees and deposits (if applic­a­ble) can be paid online with a cred­it card or e‑check. If you did not give an email address, you will receive a phone call. Appli­ca­tions received after reg­u­lar busi­ness hours Mon­day-Fri­day or on week­ends will be processed the next busi­ness day.

Advance Pay

In lieu of pay­ing a deposit, we offer the option of an Advance Pay account. With Advance Pay, there are no month­ly bills, deposits or late fees. Only $83.00 is need­ed to start. Includ­ed is the $5.00 Mem­ber­ship Fee (refund­able) and a $28.00 Acti­va­tion Fee (non-refund­able). The remain­ing $50 is the ini­tial pre­paid advance cred­it applied to your account.

In Person

If you don’t want to apply online, you can vis­it Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive at our office at 1265 South Coastal High­way (U.S. High­way 17 South), Mid­way, GA, Mon­day through Thurs­day from 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. or Fri­day from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Our office is closed on Sat­ur­day and Sun­day and observed hol­i­days.

You can also vis­it our office in Rich­mond Hill, GA, at 3700 U.S. 17 South.

We offer same-day ser­vice at no addi­tion­al charge at exist­ing loca­tions received before 5 p.m.

Fees and deposits may be paid in per­son, by mail, over the phone or online by check, cash, e‑check or with your Visa, Mas­ter­Card, Dis­cov­er, or Amer­i­can Express. There are no added fees for elec­tron­ic pay­ments and your account is cred­it­ed imme­di­ate­ly.


1265 S Coastal Hwy, Mid­way, GA 31320

Richmond Hill Office

3700 U.S. 17 South, Rich­mond Hill, GA 31324

Don’t Forget to Download Our Mobile App

Get the app via one of the links below, install it, and use your Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive account num­ber to log in or cre­ate your account. Not only can you use the app to pay your bill while on the go, but you can also report out­ages, receive impor­tant noti­fi­ca­tions of pow­er out­ages affect­ing your home, plus receive notices when pow­er is restored. You can also use the app to mon­i­tor your dai­ly elec­tric­i­ty usage.

Billing & Payments

Explore the many ways we make it quick and con­ve­nient to pay your bill and mon­i­tor your usage.