Home Plus Loans

Stop wast­ing your ener­gy dol­lars! Apply for a Home Plus Loan and make ener­gy-effi­cient upgrades to your home.

Finance your ener­gy-effi­cien­cy home improve­ments with a Home­Plus loan offered to mem­bers of Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive through the GoEn­er­gy Finan­cial Cred­it Union. To receive the low­est inter­est rate, you can repay the loan with an auto­mat­ic bank draft. As an added ben­e­fit, you will become a full-fledged mem­ber of the GoEn­er­gy Finan­cial Cred­it Union and can take advan­tage of all of the ser­vices the cred­it union offers its mem­bers such as check­ing, bank cards, sav­ings, and very com­pet­i­tive auto loan pro­grams.

Home­Plus loan funds can be used for vir­tu­al­ly any qual­i­fy­ing ener­gy effi­cien­cy improve­ment to your home.

Improve­ments eli­gi­ble for financ­ing include:

  • Cen­tral heat pumps and air con­di­tion­ers
  • Heat pump water heaters
  • Solar water heat­ing sys­tems with elec­tric back­up
  • Replace­ment win­dows and roofs
  • Major res­i­den­tial appli­ances

All of these items are required to be Ener­gy Star® rat­ed for ener­gy sav­ings. Gas fur­naces are eli­gi­ble if com­bined with a heat pump or air con­di­tion­er instal­la­tion. The fur­nace must also be Ener­gy Star rat­ed unless it is installed as an aux­il­iary heat for a dual fuel heat pump sys­tem. Addi­tion­al eli­gi­ble improve­ments include Marathon water heaters, duct­work, and oth­er HVAC-relat­ed items, as well as insu­la­tion and oth­er weath­er­iza­tion prod­ucts. Loan items request­ed but not list­ed above will need pri­or approval from Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive. Please call us at (912) 884‑3311.

Your appli­ca­tions will go direct­ly to a loan offi­cer at the GoEn­er­gy Finan­cial Cred­it Union. It does not go to Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive. When your loan is approved, they will noti­fy Coastal Elec­tric, and a Coastal Elec­tric staff mem­ber will call to noti­fy you of the approval and begin to work with you on the details of your home improve­ment. If the loan can­not be approved, the cred­it union loan offi­cer will call you direct­ly and fol­low up with a let­ter.

You may con­tact the GoEn­er­gy Finan­cial Cred­it Union at (888) 959‑7132.

Coastal Elec­tric pro­vides the fol­low­ing list of par­tic­i­pat­ing HVAC, home improve­ment, and insu­la­tion con­trac­tors. The inclu­sion of a con­trac­tor on this list is not nec­es­sar­i­ly an endorse­ment of the con­trac­tor, but it does mean the con­trac­tor is famil­iar with and agrees to par­tic­i­pate in the loan process. The con­trac­tors list­ed here have also met our min­i­mum require­ments for being prop­er­ly licensed, pro­vid­ing proof of lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance, main­tain­ing a 24/7 on-call ser­vice and hav­ing a sat­is­fac­to­ry record with the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau.

Local Res­i­den­tial and Com­mer­cial Solar Sales and Instal­la­tion Con­trac­tors

Coastal Solar Ener­gy Solu­tions
229 W. Gen­er­al Screven Way Suite N1
Hinesville, GA 31313
Phone: (844) 765‑2793

Heat­ing and Air Con­di­tion­ing Con­trac­tors

Ace Heat­ing and Air, Hinesville, GA (912) 876‑2848
Action Heat­ing and Air Darien, GA (912) 437‑6243
Aire Serv Heat­ing and Air Con­di­tion­ing, Hinesville, GA (912) 876‑8411
All Season’s Com­fort, Inc., Savan­nah, GA (912) 201‑9822
Arnold’s Heat­ing and Air (912) 432‑0444
Arc­tic South Heat­ing, Air and Elec­tri­cal Jesup, GA (912) 427‑7022 Ralph Hick­ox
ARS Res­cue Root­er (912)-308‑7561 Joe Ver­tul­lo – Com­fort Spe­cial­ist. Rich­mond Hill, GA / Bluffton, SC
Bak­er Heat­ing and Air (912) 462‑7444 13499 High­way 301 North, Nahunta, GA
Bennett’s HVAC and Elec­tri­cal, LLC Hinesville, GA (912) 876‑8144
Boa­tright & Asso­ciates Brunswick, GA (912) 264‑6468
Canady’s Pre­ci­sion Air Con­di­tion­ing and Heat­ing Rich­mond Hill, GA (912) 756‑6688
Coastal Geor­gia Mechan­i­cal, LLC Mid­way, GA (912) 884‑4343 Geoff Collins
Cus­tom Cli­mate, Inc 4191 West Oglethor­pe High­way, Hinesville, GA (912) 877‑7131
Elite Ser­vices – 620 Sea Island Road Suite 399, St. Simons Island (912) 638‑5277
Ener­gy Experts – (912) 376‑3251 States­boro, GA – Don Mar­tin
Gal­breath & Sons Heat­ing, Air Con­di­tion­ing and Elec­tric, Inc. Rich­mond Hill, GA (912) 756‑3102
Gerralds’s Mechan­i­cal Ser­vices, Inc. Rich­mond Hill, GA (912) 756‑3422
Gib­son & Lovell HVAC (912) 756‑4822
Indoor Cli­mate Experts of South­east Geor­gia, Pem­broke, GA (912) 823‑3199
Mr. Cen­tral of the Coastal Empire (912) 236‑2272
N2N Home Repair Hinesville, GA (912) 369‑6387- Steve Wig­gins
R & K Con­trac­tors, Flem­ing, GA (912) 232‑0800 – Richard Strauss

Home Improve­ment and Insu­la­tion Con­trac­tors

Coastal Applies Sys­tems (glass coat­ing and tint­ing) Hilton Head, SC (800) 952‑2725
Ener­gy Experts – (912) 376‑3251 States­boro, GA – Don Mar­tin
Envi­ro­foam Tech­nolo­gies, Inc. (912) 721‑2001
Image Design Solu­tions, LLC. Savan­nah, GA, (877–298-FOAM (3626)
Michael A. Rogers Pool­er, GA (912) 658‑6990
N2N Home Repair Hinesville, GA (912) 369‑6387- Steve Wig­gins
RPI Res­i­den­tial Roof­ing – (912) 756‑7663 Rich­mond Hill, GA
White’s South­ern Ener­gy Solu­tions LLC (Insu­la­tion Con­trac­tor)
The Win­dow Man and More (912) 439‑1225 12127 Apache Ave., Savan­nah, GA

Energy Solutions

There are lots of ways to save mon­ey on your elec­tric bill, and we’ve got the info.