Avoid Late Fees
With so many options for paying your Coastal Electric Cooperative bill, you can easily avoid late charges. Learn more about fees below.
Our members’ due dates vary based on when we read your meter. We read all meters on a monthly basis but have divided our service territory into meter reading cycles.
Your bill due date is posted on your bill. Bills are due upon receipt, but members have 20 days to pay the bill. Coastal Electric Cooperative does not send delinquent notices.
Avoid late payments
Members who miss a due date may be charged a late penalty fee, $3.00 or 10% of the bill, whichever is greater.
Other fees:
If service is disconnected and reconnected during normal business hours – $25.00
If service is disconnected and reconnected after normal business hours – $50.00
Note: A member who has their service disconnected for non-payment may be charged an additional deposit up to 2.5 times their average monthly bill.
Members can pay their bill online at any time day or night, 7 days a week. It’s fast, secure, and free. Payments made online are credited immediately.
Another convenient option is AutoPay from either your checking account or credit card. Never worry about being late again.
Payment arrangements
If you are unable to pay your bill, contact us by email or call us by the due date. It may be possible to extend your payment beyond the current due date.
Don’t Forget to Download Our Mobile App
Get the app via one of the links below, install it, and use your Coastal Electric Cooperative account number to log in or create your account. Not only can you use the app to pay your bill while on the go, but you can also report outages, receive important notifications of power outages affecting your home, plus receive notices when power is restored. You can also use the app to monitor your daily electricity usage.
Billing & Payments
Explore the many ways we make it quick and convenient to pay your bill and monitor your usage.