IN THIS SECTION Safety Center Emergency Supplies Storm Preparedness Storm Safety Storm Terminology Outage Tips Restoration Plan Food Safety Generator Safety Safety Tips Call Before You Dig Safety Awareness Demo HomeSafety CenterOutage Tips Resize Text-+= Outage Tips Check Breakers Check your home’s breaker panel (and any outdoor disconnects) to make sure the outage is not due to a tripped breaker. Report It If you determine the problem is outside your home, report it to us. Do not assume that others have reported the outage. Power Up For light and communications, be sure to keep flashlights and portable radios on hand with a large supply of fully-charged extra batteries. Don’t Play with Fire Don’t cook inside with a grill and be extra careful with candles, kerosene lamps, heaters, and fireplaces. Call Your Neighbors Checking to see if neighbors have lost their power will help you determine if the problem exists within your home or on our lines. Turn Off Appliances Turn off appliances that were on when you lost power, including HVAC. Leave a light on so you’ll know when power is restored. Watch Your Fridge Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed to protect food for up to 48 hours, then cover with a blanket or purchase dry ice. Stay Hydrated Have a reasonable supply of water on hand, generally considered to be a gallon of water per person per day.