Outage Tips

Check Breakers

Check your home’s break­er pan­el (and any out­door dis­con­nects) to make sure the out­age is not due to a tripped break­er.

Report It

If you deter­mine the prob­lem is out­side your home, report it to us. Do not assume that oth­ers have report­ed the out­age.

Power Up

For light and com­mu­ni­ca­tions, be sure to keep flash­lights and portable radios on hand with a large sup­ply of ful­ly-charged extra bat­ter­ies.

Don’t Play with Fire

Don’t cook inside with a grill and be extra care­ful with can­dles, kerosene lamps, heaters, and fire­places.

Call Your Neighbors

Check­ing to see if neigh­bors have lost their pow­er will help you deter­mine if the prob­lem exists with­in your home or on our lines.

Turn Off Appliances

Turn off appli­ances that were on when you lost pow­er, includ­ing HVAC. Leave a light on so you’ll know when pow­er is restored.

Watch Your Fridge

Keep refrig­er­a­tor and freez­er doors closed to pro­tect food for up to 48 hours, then cov­er with a blan­ket or pur­chase dry ice.

Stay Hydrated

Have a rea­son­able sup­ply of water on hand, gen­er­al­ly con­sid­ered to be a gal­lon of water per per­son per day.