Emergency Supplies Kit

After an emer­gency, you may need to sur­vive on your own for sev­er­al days, so it’s impor­tant to be pre­pared. That means hav­ing your own food, water, and oth­er sup­plies to last for sev­er­al days. A dis­as­ter sup­plies kit is a col­lec­tion of basic items your house­hold may need in the event of an emer­gency. Make sure your kit includes all the items on this check­list.

Basic Disaster Supplies Kit

Water (one gal­lon per per­son per day for sev­er­al days, for drink­ing and san­i­ta­tion)
Food (at least a sev­er­al-day sup­ply of non-per­ish­able food)
Bat­tery-pow­ered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weath­er Radio with tone alert
First aid kit
Extra bat­ter­ies
Whis­tle (to sig­nal for help)
Dust mask (to help fil­ter con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed air)
Plas­tic sheet­ing and duct tape (to shel­ter in place)
Moist tow­elettes, garbage bags and plas­tic ties (for per­son­al san­i­ta­tion)
Wrench or pli­ers (to turn off util­i­ties)
Man­u­al can open­er (for food)
Local maps
Cell phone with charg­ers and a back­up bat­tery

Additional Emergency Supplies

Masks, soap, hand san­i­tiz­er, dis­in­fect­ing wipes
Pre­scrip­tion and OTC med­ica­tions and vit­a­mins
Pain reliev­ers, anti-diar­rheal drugs, antacids, lax­a­tives
Pre­scrip­tion eye­glass­es and con­tact lens solu­tion
Infant for­mu­la, bot­tles, dia­pers, wipes, creams
Pet food and extra water for your pet
Cash or traveler’s checks
Impor­tant doc­u­ments (insur­ance poli­cies, ID, bank records, etc. saved elec­tron­i­cal­ly or in a water­proof con­tain­er)
Sleep­ing bag or warm blan­ket for each per­son
Change of cloth­ing and stur­dy shoes
Fire extin­guish­er
Match­es in a water­proof con­tain­er
Fem­i­nine sup­plies and per­son­al hygiene items
Dis­pos­able table­ware, paper tow­els, uten­sils
Paper and pen­cil
Books, games, puz­zles, activ­i­ties for chil­dren

We have a handy guide you can refer to any time for a succinct overview of the emergency kits we’ve covered here.

Get the “Be Prepared Before a Storm Strikes” PDF

Be Prepared Before a Storm Strikes

Keep Your Kit Handy & Maintained

Contents of an emergency supplies kit


Keep canned food in a cool, dry place. Store boxed food in tight­ly closed plas­tic or met­al con­tain­ers.


Keep your pri­ma­ry kit in a des­ig­nat­ed place, have it ready in case you have to leave your home quick­ly, and make sure all fam­i­ly mem­bers know its loca­tion.


Re-think your needs every year, update your kit as your family’s needs change, and replace expired items.


Be pre­pared to shel­ter in place. Your work and car kits should include food, water, med­ica­tions, and com­fort­able shoes in a “grab and go” case.

Shelter & Your Emergency Kits

Shel­ter­ing is appro­pri­ate when con­di­tions require that you seek pro­tec­tion in your home, where you work, or oth­er loca­tion when emer­gen­cies arise, such as dur­ing a tor­na­do warn­ing. This can mean: Stay-At-Home, Going to a Mass Care Shel­ter, or Shel­ter­ing in Place. Your emer­gency kits will come in handy in any of these sit­u­a­tions.