Safety Center

We want to keep you safe dur­ing storms, pre­pared for out­ages, and safe­ty-mind­ed every day. Read on to learn how to put togeth­er an emer­gency sup­ply kit and a storm plan, know the steps involved in pow­er restora­tion and what you’ll need to bear in mind dur­ing an emer­gency, and how to keep you fam­i­ly and food sup­plies safe while with­out pow­er and poten­tial­ly rely­ing on a gen­er­a­tor.

Before a Storm

Life along the Geor­gia coast is beau­ti­ful and a con­stant reminder of the awe­some pow­er of “Moth­er Nature.” On occa­sion, we expe­ri­ence severe weath­er that can cause dam­age and even loss of life. The key is to be pre­pared.

A woman is holding emergency supplies


Use our handy check­list to put togeth­er a com­pre­hen­sive emer­gency sup­ply kit.

A person writes out a plan


A plan of action – includ­ing evac­u­a­tion – will keep you ahead of severe weath­er out­comes.

Sign warns of electrical danger

Storm Safety

A few pre­cau­tions with your elec­tric­i­ty can assure your safe­ty before and dur­ing the storm.

A hurricane is seen by satellite


Know what to lis­ten for and know the dif­fer­ence between watch­es, warn­ings, and oth­er alerts.

After a Storm

Out­ages are inevitable, but we strive to make the process of restor­ing pow­er quick­er and eas­i­er for our mem­bers. Find out what to expect and how to han­dle the sit­u­a­tion.

A candle is burned during an outage

Outage Tips

If your pow­er is out, there are a num­ber of things you can do to stay safe and com­fort­able. 

Power lines are seen at sunset


When severe weath­er is pre­dict­ed, we make prepa­ra­tions to ensure crews are ready to respond.

A well-stocked refrigerator

Food Safety

Spoilage can hap­pen quick­ly, but there are some sim­ple things you can do to avoid los­ing per­ish­ables.

A generator runs during an outage

Generator Safety

Gen­er­a­tors can make life dur­ing out­ages much eas­i­er, but they require com­mon sense safe­ty.

Everyday Safety

Your safe­ty is our pri­or­i­ty. As part of our Com­mit­ment to Com­mu­ni­ty, all of us at Coastal Elec­tric work dai­ly to increase elec­tri­cal safe­ty aware­ness for all our mem­bers.

Man's hand holding a tape measure

Safety Tips

We’ve got prac­ti­cal elec­tri­cal safe­ty advice to remem­ber for dai­ly life.

Bulldozer digging

Before You Dig

Plan­ning to dig on your prop­er­ty? Call first, and check here for the prop­er safe­ty pre­cau­tions.

Safety Awareness Demo

Inter­est­ed in arrang­ing a safe­ty demon­stra­tion for your club or class­room? We can help!