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Over $2.6 million on the way to Coastal Electric Cooperative members
Those who paid electric bills to Coastal Electric Cooperative any time from 2008–2009 can expect money back from the co-op by the end of December. In total, Coastal Electric will retire over $2.6 million in capital credits to around 11,000 members who received service during those years.
Easy Payment Options
In order to provide you with the very best service, Coastal Electric offers our members a number of payment options, as well as a variety of programs that will help you save money and better understand and manage your account.
Save Money & Energy
Everything you do – from flipping a switch to upgrading your lighting – can add up to big savings for you and your neighbors. Get the most for your dollar without sacrificing comfort or convenience.
Recent News
Coastal Electric’s workplace safety saves lives and money
Coastal Electric Cooperative was recently recognized for 10 years without any employee missing work due to an injury on the job-an impressive accomplishment, given the… Continue Reading > Coastal Electric’s workplace safety saves lives and money
MLK Day closing
Coastal Electric offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 15, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. As always, you can manage your account or… Continue Reading > MLK Day closing
More than $2 million in capital credits are on the way to Coastal Electric members
If you were a Coastal Electric Cooperative member at any point from 2005 to 2007, the cooperative wants to give you money back. In fact,… Continue Reading > More than $2 million in capital credits are on the way to Coastal Electric members
Coastal Electric Members donate more than $64,000 to local schools
Thanks to the generosity of Coastal Electric Cooperative members, local teachers recently received more than $40,000 in Bright Ideas grants to fund their innovative project… Continue Reading > Coastal Electric Members donate more than $64,000 to local schools
Five reasons electric co-ops are great places to work
by Paul Wesslund Running electric utilities today takes just about every skill imaginable. Some jobs call for the physical ability to climb a utility pole,… Continue Reading > Five reasons electric co-ops are great places to work
Local students complete summer learning program at Coastal Electric
We love investing in the next generation … and giving students a glimpse of the many rewarding careers found at electric co-ops! This summer, we… Continue Reading > Local students complete summer learning program at Coastal Electric