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Over $2.6 million on the way to Coastal Electric Cooperative members
Those who paid electric bills to Coastal Electric Cooperative any time from 2008–2009 can expect money back from the co-op by the end of December. In total, Coastal Electric will retire over $2.6 million in capital credits to around 11,000 members who received service during those years.
Easy Payment Options
In order to provide you with the very best service, Coastal Electric offers our members a number of payment options, as well as a variety of programs that will help you save money and better understand and manage your account.
Save Money & Energy
Everything you do – from flipping a switch to upgrading your lighting – can add up to big savings for you and your neighbors. Get the most for your dollar without sacrificing comfort or convenience.
Recent News
Holly Fields of Midway appointed to Coastal Electric Cooperative Board of Directors
Holly Fields of Midway has been selected by the Coastal Electric Cooperative board of directors to fill the unexpired term of former Liberty County board… Continue Reading > Holly Fields of Midway appointed to Coastal Electric Cooperative Board of Directors
Local students build, test-drive electric vehicles donated by Coastal Electric Cooperative Foundation
The wheels were turning on Saturday – literally – as students from First Presbyterian Christian Academy and Richmond Hill High School showcased the working electric… Continue Reading > Local students build, test-drive electric vehicles donated by Coastal Electric Cooperative Foundation
Career Day at Lyman Hall Elementary School
Lyman Hall Elementary students sit intrigued as Safety Coordinator James Thomas demonstrates why it’s important to stay away from power lines. Continue Reading > Career Day at Lyman Hall Elementary School
Update on what DFCS is doing to help those in our community who lost food during the power outage caused by Hurricane Matthew.
This is a long but informative official statement from Liberty County DFACS Director Shawn Brown regarding replacement Food Stamp benefits. Continue Reading > Update on what DFCS is doing to help those in our community who lost food during the power outage caused by Hurricane Matthew.
Help for EBT card users who lost food due to extended power outages
Tuesday 4:30 p.m. Suddenly our office lobby and phone lines are being flooded with calls from EBT card users regarding the reissuance of Food Stamps… Continue Reading > Help for EBT card users who lost food due to extended power outages
Additional Storm Restoration Crews Arrive at Coastal Electric
Two 6‑men electric line crews from Walton Electric Membership Corporation (EMC) in Monroe, GA and three 6‑men crews from Snapping Shoals EMC in Covington, GA… Continue Reading > Additional Storm Restoration Crews Arrive at Coastal Electric