Some 2,245 members participated in this year’s Annual Meeting Registration and Voting May 20–22, preceding the 2024 Annual Meeting of Members May 23.
A big draw this year, in addition to a chance to win the $1,000 grand prize, was the member registration gift—a 10.5‑inch Lodge Seasoned Cast-Iron Grill Pan branded with the Coastal Electric Cooperative logo, complete with a Lodge Silicone Hot Handle Holder.
Every not-for-profit cooperative like Coastal Electric Cooperative operates by seven Cooperative Principles. Cooperative Principle 2 is Democratic Member Control, and that’s what the Annual Meeting of Members and member voting is all about. During Annual Meeting Registration and Voting, members could stop by a Coastal Electric Cooperative office in Midway or Richmond Hill to register for the Annual Meeting, vote to elect directors and pick up a skillet as a thank you for participating.
On Thursday, May 23, members tuned into the Annual Meeting, live-streamed on Facebook and Coastal Electric Cooperative’s website.
Sherrell Mack of Richmond Hill won the $1,000 grand prize after CEO Chris Fettes gave a year in review, which included:
- How Coastal Electric Cooperative makes life better as our community grows.
- Using technology to make our electric system more reliable.
- Opening doors of opportunity for local students.
- Using members’ Operation Round Up dollars to make a difference.
- Lending a hand to help little ones get a good night’s sleep.
Following the year in review, members could watch the business portion of the Annual Meeting, held at the co-op’s headquarters in Midway. Members reelected incumbent directors Ken Luke (Bryan County), Joe Gill (Liberty County), and John Kearns (McIntosh/Long counties) to new three-year terms on the co-op board.
You can find the 2024 Annual Meeting video on Coastal Electric Cooperative’s YouTube channel, Facebook page, or right here on our website.