Watch the Annual Meeting video recap above.
To members of Coastal Electric Cooperative:
The 2024 Annual Meeting will be a virtual event viewable by all members, attended in person by the officers and board members of the co-op. They will meet at Coastal Electric Cooperative on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 10 a.m.
The meeting will be livestreamed for members’ viewing online via www.CoastalElectric.Coop/live, which will be available on the day of the meeting. Officers and board members will attend in person to take action on the following matters:
1. Determination of a quorum.
2. Reading of the notice of the meeting and proof of mailing.
3. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting.
4. Presentation and consideration of reports of officers and directors.
5. Report of the Nominating Committee.
6. Election of three directors for terms of three years to fill the expiring terms for a Bryan County, Liberty County and McIntosh/Long counties seat on the board.
7. Unfinished business.
8. New business.
9. Adjournment.
By order of the Secretary of the Board,
Laura McGee
Coastal Electric Cooperative
Board of Directors
In accordance with the Cooperative’s Bylaws, the following members have been nominated by the Nominating Committee, which consists of Donna Moore, Lana Ray, Ray Williams, Tim Beaty, Reginald Pierce Sr. and Mark Schlag.

Ken Luke
Bryan County, Incumbent

Joseph Fillmore Gill IV
Fillmore County, Incumbent

Johnny Kearns
McIntosh/Long counties, Incumbent