Coastal Electric’s online tools can save you money

An example screenshot of energy usage is shownDid you know as a Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive mem­ber you can choose alerts and reminders to make life eas­i­er?

For exam­ple, use noti­fi­ca­tions can help you keep track of how much elec­tric­i­ty your fam­i­ly is using every day— in dol­lars and cents as well as kWh. (Nev­er let a high­er-than-expect­ed elec­tric bill catch you by sur­prise again!)

Due date reminders can help you feel con­fi­dent to make your pay­ments on time, every time. And your bud­get will thank you when you set high ener­gy use alerts to sound the alarm when you’ve hit a cer­tain amount for the day.

You can even choose to be alert­ed when an out­age occurs at your loca­tion and is restored—especially help­ful when you’re away from home.

Mem­bers can choose to receive alerts via text, email, voice call, or a com­bi­na­tion of the three. The ser­vice is free, and you can change your set­tings any­time. To sign up for alerts and reminders, down­load the MyCoastalEC app, sign into the mem­ber por­tal under “My Account” at CoastalElectric.Coop or call (800) 421‑2343, and we’ll get you signed up.

A screenshot of the Coastal Electric app is shownAlerts and reminders aren’t the only tools to help man­age ener­gy bills.

Inter­ac­tive graphs on the MyCoastalEC app and mem­ber por­tal on this site paint a clear pic­ture to help you bet­ter under­stand your per­son­al ener­gy use pat­terns.

What months do you typ­i­cal­ly use the most? What time of day? Does your teenager’s 30-minute show­er cause a spike or maybe when your spouse cranks down the A/C? How much did your use increase when you had week- end com­pa­ny or dur­ing that Jan­u­ary cold snap?

Mem­bers can com­pare their usage his­to­ry from pre­vi­ous years and month by month—and even zoom in to dai­ly and hourly incre­ments.

Take a peek at your usage his­to­ry, and if you have ques­tions, give Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive a call. Our ener­gy experts are hap­py to help you ana­lyze your ener­gy use and find ways to save.