Did you know as a Coastal Electric Cooperative member you can choose alerts and reminders to make life easier?
For example, use notifications can help you keep track of how much electricity your family is using every day— in dollars and cents as well as kWh. (Never let a higher-than-expected electric bill catch you by surprise again!)
Due date reminders can help you feel confident to make your payments on time, every time. And your budget will thank you when you set high energy use alerts to sound the alarm when you’ve hit a certain amount for the day.
You can even choose to be alerted when an outage occurs at your location and is restored—especially helpful when you’re away from home.
Members can choose to receive alerts via text, email, voice call, or a combination of the three. The service is free, and you can change your settings anytime. To sign up for alerts and reminders, download the MyCoastalEC app, sign into the member portal under “My Account” at CoastalElectric.Coop or call (800) 421‑2343, and we’ll get you signed up.
Alerts and reminders aren’t the only tools to help manage energy bills.
Interactive graphs on the MyCoastalEC app and member portal on this site paint a clear picture to help you better understand your personal energy use patterns.
What months do you typically use the most? What time of day? Does your teenager’s 30-minute shower cause a spike or maybe when your spouse cranks down the A/C? How much did your use increase when you had week- end company or during that January cold snap?
Members can compare their usage history from previous years and month by month—and even zoom in to daily and hourly increments.
Take a peek at your usage history, and if you have questions, give Coastal Electric Cooperative a call. Our energy experts are happy to help you analyze your energy use and find ways to save.