Coastal Electric Cooperative website, app get a refresh

A screenshot of the Coastal Electric app is shownIf you’ve vis­it­ed Coastal Elec­tric Cooperative’s web­site over the past cou­ple of months or signed into the MyCoastalEC app and thought it looked dif­fer­ent, you’re right!

In late 2023, the mobile app and CoastalElectric.Coop got a refresh, with bet­ter func­tion­al­i­ty for a more user-friend­ly expe­ri­ence.

The website’s most fre­quent­ly used fea­tures are now acces­si­ble with a sin­gle click. But­tons on the home­page offer direct nav­i­ga­tion to view or pay a bill; report an out­age or check for sta­tus updates; and start, stop or move ser­vice.

The new site also makes it eas­i­er to learn how to save ener­gy and mon­ey, explore the ser­vices Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive offers, find out what to do if a storm approach­es and sign up for Coastal Fiber inter­net.

The MyCoastalEC app gives co-op mem­bers fast, secure account access to allow you to make pay­ments, sched­ule alerts and reminders, receive push noti­fi­ca­tions, report out­ages, track your elec­tric­i­ty use and more. Near­ly every- thing you can do from our web por­tal can be done through the app, whether you’re at home, work or on the go.

Explore the Coastal Elec­tric web­site while you’re here and down­load the MyCoastalEC app through the Apple App or Google Play stores.