It’s that time of year again-Coastal Electric Cooperative is gearing up for Member Appreciation Days beginning May 23 and capping it off with our Virtual Annual Meeting of Members on Thursday, May 26.
Member Appreciation Days are a special time for members to stop by one of our office locations, have some face time with Coastal Electric employees and directors, hear from your co-op leadership and, perhaps most importantly, elect the directors who will make decisions on behalf of their fellow members.

Coastal Electric employees work hard to make Member Appreciation Days as convenient, inviting, helpful and relevant as possible to our members. We encourage you to stop by and exercise a few of the many rights you have as a member of a community-owned electric cooperative. We know the registration gifts and prize drawings are compelling reasons to participate, but there is so much more to this event.
Did you know Member Appreciation Days are an opportunity to learn more about the issues affecting our community? All cooperatives serve an economic and social purpose. While safe, reliable and affordable electric power is crucial to our mission, improving the quality of life for all members is at the core of what we do every day.
During the Virtual Annual Meeting on May 26, you’ll hear updates and get behind-the-scenes insight from Coastal Electric leadership about the topics that impact you, and what we as a co-op can do to address our most pressing challenges. We’ll also let you know what we’ve been up to over the past year and share specifics about what the future holds.
Our country and community face many challenges-challenges we like to think of as opportunities for good. Taking hold of what could be will only happen if we come together. The good news is, as a cooperative, Coastal Electric is positioned to bring together all members of the community for the common good as few other organizations can.
We look forward to greeting you face to face during our Member Appreciation Days on May 23–25, and we hope you’ll tune in and participate in our Virtual Annual Meeting of Members at 10 a.m. on May 26, 2022.