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You can make payments without logging into our portal. With just your account number and last name or business name, make a speedy payment with QuickPay.

Over $2.6 million on the way to Coastal Electric Cooperative members
Those who paid electric bills to Coastal Electric Cooperative any time from 2008-2009 can expect money back from the co-op by the end of December. In total, Coastal Electric will retire over $2.6 million in capital credits to around 11,000 members who received service during those years.
Easy Payment Options
In order to provide you with the very best service, Coastal Electric offers our members a number of payment options, as well as a variety of programs that will help you save money and better understand and manage your account.
Save Money & Energy
Everything you do – from flipping a switch to upgrading your lighting – can add up to big savings for you and your neighbors. Get the most for your dollar without sacrificing comfort or convenience.
Recent News
Coastal Electric members donate over $40,000 to local schools
This week, the Coastal Electric Cooperative Foundation awarded over $40,000 in Bright Ideas Education Grants to local teachers. Co-op staff surprised teachers with the good… Continue Reading > Coastal Electric members donate over $40,000 to local schools
New user-friendly system coming in February
Starting in February 2025, Coastal Electric Cooperative members will see an upgrade to the interfaces they use to interact with the co-op online. While cooperative… Continue Reading > New user-friendly system coming in February
Federal tax credits, incentives and rebates for efficiency upgrades
By Miranda Boutelle Tax credits and rebates can help bridge the affordability gap to higher efficiency equipment for your home, allowing you to complete energy… Continue Reading > Federal tax credits, incentives and rebates for efficiency upgrades
A season of gratitude and thanks
Happy Veterans DayMonday, Nov. 11 Coastal Electric Cooperative is grateful for all the men and women who have served our country. We’re grateful for your… Continue Reading > A season of gratitude and thanks
What is the Co-op Advantage?
Communities come in all shapes and sizes. Some are based on geographical proximity, some are based on shared interests or hobbies and some communities can… Continue Reading > What is the Co-op Advantage?
Local students broaden career opportunities with co-op programs
Lots of students spend their summers working, learning and investing in their futures. Three students, in particular, explored careers in the electric cooperative industry. Dwayne… Continue Reading > Local students broaden career opportunities with co-op programs