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Over $2.6 million on the way to Coastal Electric Cooperative members
Those who paid electric bills to Coastal Electric Cooperative any time from 2008–2009 can expect money back from the co-op by the end of December. In total, Coastal Electric will retire over $2.6 million in capital credits to around 11,000 members who received service during those years.
Easy Payment Options
In order to provide you with the very best service, Coastal Electric offers our members a number of payment options, as well as a variety of programs that will help you save money and better understand and manage your account.
Save Money & Energy
Everything you do – from flipping a switch to upgrading your lighting – can add up to big savings for you and your neighbors. Get the most for your dollar without sacrificing comfort or convenience.
Recent News
Virtual Annual Meeting: May 26, 2022
It’s that time of year again-Coastal Electric Cooperative is gearing up for Member Appreciation Days beginning May 23 and capping it off with our Virtual… Continue Reading > Virtual Annual Meeting: May 26, 2022
To Current and Past Members of Coastal Electric Cooperative
In compliance with O.C.G.A. § 44–12–236, The Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act, Coastal Electric Cooperative, is attempting to locate former members from the year 1986… Continue Reading > To Current and Past Members of Coastal Electric Cooperative
Coastal Fiber, Inc. will deliver broadband to 16,000 members in three counties
On Tuesday, July 20, 2021, Governor Brian Kemp, Coastal Electric Cooperative, and Darien Communications made a joint announcement of the creation of Coastal Fiber, Inc.,… Continue Reading > Coastal Fiber, Inc. will deliver broadband to 16,000 members in three counties
Gaskin named to Coastal Electric Cooperative Board
The Coastal Electric Cooperative Board of Directors has selected Chuck Gaskin of Townsend to serve as a director, replacing William L. “Billy” Bland, who retired… Continue Reading > Gaskin named to Coastal Electric Cooperative Board
Coastal Electric Cooperative Responds to COVID-19
At this time, we are suspending disconnections of service for nonpayment. We’ll continue to monitor the situation related to the spread of COVID-19. Please understand… Continue Reading > Coastal Electric Cooperative Responds to COVID-19
Notice of unclaimed funds. Coastal Electric may have a refund for you!
TO CURRENT AND PAST MEMBERS OF COASTAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE In compliance with O.C.G.A. § 44–12–236, The Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act, Coastal Electric Cooperative, is… Continue Reading > Notice of unclaimed funds. Coastal Electric may have a refund for you!