Coastal Electric Cooperative Responds to COVID-19

At this time, we are sus­pend­ing dis­con­nec­tions of ser­vice for non­pay­ment. We’ll con­tin­ue to mon­i­tor the sit­u­a­tion relat­ed to the spread of COVID-19. Please under­stand this is NOT a bill waiv­er. We encour­age mem­bers to pay what they can to avoid a large bill that will be due when our nor­mal dis­con­nec­tion pol­i­cy is rein­stat­ed. Advance Pay mem­bers will con­tin­ue to receive dai­ly usage alerts dur­ing this time of dis­con­nec­tion sus­pen­sion.

  • Our offices are open for dri­ve-thru traf­fic. Our lob­bies are closed.
  • Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive is always a 24-hour oper­a­tion with employ­ees on-site and on-call. Though many employ­ees are work­ing remote­ly, all employ­ees remain avail­able by phone and email.
  • Our employ­ees stand ready to respond to any pow­er out­ages if nec­es­sary.