Tips of the month

A rural path winds through fields as lightning strikes dramatically under a swirling stormy sky, with trees lining the landscape.

Storm Prep 101

Are you ready for what­ev­er the weath­er might bring?

Vis­it Coastal Elec­tric Cooperative’s online Safe­ty Cen­ter for tips on how to pre­pare for spring and sum­mer storms.

Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month

Turn your suds into sav­ings. Low­er your ener­gy use in the laun­dry room by wash­ing clothes with cold water when­ev­er pos­si­ble, as heat­ing water accounts for most of the ener­gy used in a laun­dry cycle. Wash full loads to make the most of ener­gy sav­ings, and use high-effi­cien­cy deter­gent designed for cold wash­es. For dry­ing cycles, clean the lint fil­ter before each load to improve air­flow and use dry­er balls to reduce dry­ing time.

A person holds delicate soap bubbles on an open hand. The image focuses on the translucent, shimmering bubbles against a neutral background.