2023 Coastal Electric Cooperative & Foundation Financials

2023 Coastal Electric Cooperative Treasurer’s Report

Financial statements for the fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 2023, reflect the sound status of Coastal Electric Cooperative. Each year, we retain the services of McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks & Co., LLP, CPA, to perform an audit of the cooperative’s accounting records.

This audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial presentation. The figures in this report are from the audit and represent a summary of the auditor’s complete report. Copies of the audit are on file at the cooperative’s headquarters.

Laura McGee
Coastal Electric Cooperative Board of Directors

Graphic shows co-op's growth in number of meters
Graphic shows co-op's cost of power
Graphic shows co-op's miles of line

2023 Coastal Electric Cooperative Foundation Treasurer’s Report

Financial statements for the fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 2023, reflect the sound status of the Coastal Electric Cooperative Foundation. Each year, McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks & Co., LLP, CPA, perform an audit of the foundation’s accounting records.

This audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation. The figures in this report, which are displayed on this page, are from the audit and represent a summary of the auditor’s complete report. Copies of the audit are on file at the cooperative’s headquarters.

Constance Riggins
Coastal Electric Cooperative Foundation

2023 Coastal Electric Cooperative Foundation Board of Directors

Bryan County

  • Runette Parker
  • Constance Riggins
  • Lynne Baynes

Liberty County

  • Timothy Beaty
  • Jack Standard
  • Lynn Stevens

McIntosh County

  • Jerry Adkins
  • Gary Smith
  • Ray Williams
Recipients are seen being awarded foundation funds
A scholarship winner poses with a big check

2023 Foundation Scholarship Winners

• Emma Beasley
• Jolie Claudio
• Madeline Ike
• Samuel Montone
• Austin Rowe
• Ella Snider

Small Change Changes Lives

Teacher and students pose with a Bright Ideas check

All of Coastal Electric Cooperative’s work is made possible by you, our members, and some of the most impactful work for our community happens as a result of your donations to the Coastal Electric Cooperative Foundation.

Operation Round Up logoWhen members allow us to round up your monthly electric bills through Operation Round Up, those nickels and dimes are pooled together and invested back into our own community to assist with the food, health, safety, education and shelter needs of citizens in counties served by Coastal Electric Cooperative.

Every dollar represents a life changed for the better.

  • Members contributed $88,239 to Operation Round Up in 2023
  • $127,400 in scholarships were awarded to local students in 2023
  • $41,242 in Bright Ideas grants were awarded to local educators in 2023, funding innovative classroom projects
  • Local principals received $23,000 to use toward the well-being of students and faculty
  • $83,361 was awarded to assist local agencies and individuals in 2023

2023 Coastal Electric Cooperative Foundation Grants Awarded, Bright Ideas Winners by School

Button Gwinnett Elementary School – $3,390.44
Carver Elementary School – $1,921.47
Joseph Martin Elementary School – $700.39
Liberty College and Career Academy – $3,781.05
Liberty County High School – $1,177.27
Liberty Elementary School – $3,591.92
Lewis Frasier Middle School – $1,390
McIntosh County Academy – $5,731.45
McIntosh County Middle School – $825.50
Midway Middle School – $639.80
Richmond Hill High School – $1,478.43
Richmond Hill Middle School – $9,852.91
Taylors Creek Elementary School – $5,761.82