Prevent unpleasant surprises with custom alerts and reminders

If your elec­tric­i­ty bill was about to be 10 times more than usu­al, but you were able to catch it ear­ly and fix the prob­lem before it got expen­sive, would you want to?

That’s exact­ly what hap­pened to one Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive mem­ber.

In Sep­tem­ber, a Coastal Elec­tric Billing Depart­ment employ­ee noticed an unusu­al spike in a member’s elec­tric use. She prompt­ly called the mem­ber to let her know, sug­gest­ing it could be a prob­lem with the HVAC.

“I am so very grate­ful that Coastal checks on this type of anom­aly and also that we had a neigh­bor who was kind enough to go check it out and turn off the break­ers to stop that non­sense! Our pow­er bill would have been atro­cious, and I’m very relieved that we were able to at least stop the prob­lem from con­tin­u­ing.” — Coastal Elec­tric Mem­ber

Sure enough, one unit’s heat strips were blow­ing 93-degree heat into the home, caus­ing oth­er units to run con­tin­u­ous­ly to cool the home to the ther­mo­stat set­ting of 81 degrees while the home­own­ers were out of town.

Had the Coastal Elec­tric employ­ee not alert­ed the mem­ber, the high use could have con­tin­ued unno­ticed for near­ly four more weeks, until she saw the bill.

“I am so very grate­ful that Coastal checks on this type of anom­aly and also that we had a neigh­bor who was kind enough to go check it out and turn off the break­ers to stop that non­sense!” the Coastal Elec­tric mem­ber said. “Our pow­er bill would have been atro­cious, and I’m very relieved that we were able to at least stop the prob­lem from con­tin­u­ing. Thank you again, and please give the cus­tomer rep an atta­girl (aka, thank you and you rock!) for me.”

The Billing Depart­ment employ­ee (who did not wish to be named) takes extra care to look out for Coastal Electric’s mem­bers every day. As a local elec­tric co-op, it’s just what we do. We want to empow­er you to do the same.

Sign up for alerts and reminders

Member Portal notifications dashboard with communication preferences displayedWith more than 20,000 mem­bers, Coastal Elec­tric employ­ees may not catch every instance of irreg­u­lar use—especially when the increase is sub­tle. But with the co-op’s cus­tomiz­able alerts and reminders, mem­bers can mon­i­tor their use and be alert­ed to poten­tial prob­lems right away.

By sign­ing up using the MyCoastalEC app, mem­ber por­tal online at www. CoastalElectric.Coop or call­ing (800) 421- 2343, mem­bers can choose to receive cus­tomized texts, emails or voice calls, or a com­bi­na­tion of the three. The ser­vice is free, and mem­bers can change their set­tings at any time.

  • Some avail­able options include:
    • Due date reminders.
    • Dai­ly use reports.
    • High-ener­gy use alerts.
    • Out­age alerts and restora­tion updates.
    • Pay­ment con­fir­ma­tions.

Even our employ­ees who live on Coastal Elec­tric lines have saved mon­ey using the alerts and reminders.

When she became a Coastal Elec­tric mem­ber, Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Coor­di­na­tor Bethany Akridge signed up for dai­ly use alerts right away.

Last win­ter, she noticed her use almost dou­bled from one day to the next, even though there had been no sig­nif­i­cant change in out­side tem­per­a­tures or on her ther­mo­stat set­tings. After a few days of high­er-than-nor­mal use, Akridge had her HVAC checked and learned that her down­stairs unit was mal­func­tion­ing.

“The unit had to be replaced,” Akridge says, “but see­ing that our use was unusu­al­ly high alert­ed us to the prob­lem quick­ly, sav­ing us a lot of mon­ey on our elec­tric bill; and pos­si­bly pre­vent­ing some undue strain on our oth­er HVAC unit, had the prob­lem gone on longer.”

Alerts and reminders aren’t the only tools to help man­age ener­gy bills. Using the MyCoastalEC app or mem­ber por­tal, Coastal Elec­tric mem­bers can track their ener­gy use, even on an hourly basis, and view use his­to­ry to get a bet­ter under­stand­ing of pat­terns, and thus, pos­si­ble caus­es for high­er use.

Don’t be shocked by high bills— pre­vent them instead. To sign up for alerts and reminders, down­load the MyCoastalEC app or log in to the mem­ber por­tal under “My Account” at www.Coastal Electric.Coop.