The Coastal Electric Cooperative Board of Directors has selected Chuck Gaskin of Townsend to serve as a director, replacing William L. “Billy” Bland, who retired in October. The board announced the decision during its monthly meeting April 29, 2020.

Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members, who elect representatives from among the membership to make decisions on their behalf. In the case that a director ends his or her time on the board before time for an election, the remaining board members select a replacement from the area vacated by the previous director – in this case, McIntosh County.
“We are fortunate to have such talented members with enthusiasm to serve their community,” said Chris Fettes, Coastal Electric Cooperative CEO. “We are a cooperative with core values of integrity, accountability, innovation and community commitment. If you know Mr. Gaskin, you understand he also upholds these same values.”
Gaskin founded Dorchester Shooting Preserve and Lodge in Midway. He oversees the daily operations of Charles M. Gaskin and Associates LLC, which provides correspondence and online continuing education for insurance agents in Georgia and Alabama. He also founded Gaskin Financial Services, Inc., providing marketing of equities products, financial planning, and life and health insurance sales.
Gaskin serves as a deacon at Compassion Christian Church in Midway, and on the board of directors of Priority Insight Ministries and Five Stones Counseling Center. He and his wife of 27 years, Tina, call Belvedere Island Plantation home. They have four daughters and 12 grandchildren. In his spare time, he enjoys trout fishing, hunting and traveling.