Coastal Electric linemen wear pink for breast cancer awareness

Coastal Electric linemen are showing their support for breast health during the month of October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Each employee who typically wears a white hard hat received a pink hard hat to wear this month.

Coastal Electric Safety Coordinator James Thomas said the pink hard hat idea began to develop when 3M™, our supplier, created the pink hats to promote breast cancer awareness. In addition to the promotional efforts, 3M supported the American Cancer Society® by donating $15,000 to breast cancer research. “By us purchasing the pink hard hats, it helped 3M fund their donation,” said Thomas.

Last year over 7,000 electrical workers showed their support by wearing pink on their head. Thomas said the pink hard hats were well received among the linemen. “Among our employees we have a couple folks who’ve had breast cancer touch their families, so everybody was happy to do it,” he said.

When Coastal Electric’s linemen are out in the community, Thomas hopes that people will take notice of the new hard hats. “I think it’ll make them look twice and show them that Coastal Electric is committed to breast cancer awareness and we’re a good corporate partner,” he said.

At the end of October, employees will retire their pink hard hats to keep them in good condition for next year, since the co-op intends to make it an October tradition.

Excluding cancers of the skin, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the U.S., according to the American Cancer Society. To prevent breast cancer, it is recommended that women have a mammogram every year starting at age 40 for those who are at an average risk. Women should also have a clinical breast exam at least every three years starting at age 20, and every year starting at age 40.

Coastal Electric Cooperative is a customer-owned power supplier serving Bryan, Liberty, Long and McIntosh counties. The Co-op is headquartered in Midway, GA.